As schools start to announce their re-opening plans for Fall 2020, parents have so much to consider! How much time have you spent trying to make this decision—send the kids back to school or take the stay-at-home option? This is a hard place to be: On the one hand, this, on the other hand, that. Being on the fence can quickly become an intolerable situation.
What if our minds are meant for researching and processing but not for making decisions?
After the mind has collected the data—in the other words, once you’ve researched your options and given thought to each scenario—you can tune into your heart. The Institute of Heart Math suggests these two steps toward accessing your heart’s intuitive intelligence:
- Breathe slow and deep. Imagine your breath flowing in and out of your heart. Focus your attention on this area.
- Make a sincere attempt to experience a regenerative feeling such as appreciation or care for someone or something in your life.
Now, ask your heart for a new understanding regarding your decision.
Don’t worry if nothing comes right away. A feeling of knowing could spontaneously arise at any time, today, tomorrow, next week.
The intelligence in our hearts knows that everything will be ok. It doesn’t buy in to the anxiety stories that live in our heads. The more we quiet the anxious voices, the more we clear a space to hear what our heart has to reveal.
Transitions are the hardest parts of life. Picture a future self, what does your home and work and kids’ schooling look like? Re-imagine things and then take the next right step, as they say.
(Fortunately for us, we’d already been planning another year of homeschool. If you are on a similar path, you can find out from your district how to enroll as a regular homeschooler (maybe not the option they are giving for distance-learning), which gives you the freedom to educate in your own way. If you’ve got a middle-schooler, you can find a Middle School History and Language Arts custom guide on the Freebies page.)